
Fast, Easy Continuous Vulnerability Scans 

There's no excuse why your business should suffer easily preventable known security risks.  Automate and integrate Meterian's vulnerability scans into your team's software development workflow easily in the SDLC and DevOps environment.  Eliminate known security issues at the earliest stages.  Get started today.


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Is basic security and cyber hygiene built right into your process?

Unfortunately successful cyber hacks have happened to payment gateways, transport agencies, and financial institutions like government tax agencies and credit checking firm Equifax in 2017, British Airways in 2018, and possibly to EasyJet in 2020 as a result of known security holes in the open source software supply chain used in their web applications.

When these open source components are not secured, cyber criminals use software automation kits to attack known software vulnerabilities to penetrate company defences.


With Meterian, you can automate identifying, mitigating and fixing open source risks in minutes. 

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What can stunt the innovation and growth of your business if open-source software risks are neglected?

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A vulnerable component

New vulnerabilities appear every day and over 3,600 each year.  When fintech, transport, health, and retail companies didn’t secure a vulnerable component, their businesses suffered financial and reputational damages.
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An out-of-date component

Software changes all the time, requiring regular updates to benefit from bug fixes, performance enhancements and security patches.  Ignoring these changes leaves your code bases vulnerable and unstable.

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A forbidden licence

Unknowingly using components that don’t have business friendly licences could lead to IP breaches resulting in expensive legal expenses and fines that jeopardize your business.

Want to de-risk the application your team develops?

See information we provide about your web app’s security, stability and licence risks by running a quick scan of the app code bases your team maintains.  Meterian reports risks securely without touching the source code.

Get the most out of the open source software that’s helping your business to grow. 

  • De-risk your apps.
  • Save your development and security teams hundreds of hours


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Meterian vulnerability risk assessment report